Feeling down? Treat Yourself To Pancake-Love! Sweet Freedom Saturdays

Sometimes life can throw you some sneaky punches, making you feel a bit melancholy. No matter your worries, often you just need to step back and take stock of the simple pleasures that make life so delicious. Hanging out in your jammies, building forts with blankets and pillows, eating pancakes and alliteration.

Yes, alliteration.

Like these Fluffy Fruited Flapjacks.

Fluffy Fruited Pancakes

Ok, they’re actually Fluffy Fruited Pancakes, but I think Fluffy Fruited Flapjacks sounds much more Fun (get it, another “F”).

These really were amazingly fluffy – like crazy fluffy. But in a good way. Today we rocked them up with some banana goodness, but any fruit would make them smashingly good. I’m just sure of it. We also go to enjoy some real, authentic Canadian Maple Syrup hand delivered with love by our friend Kimianak. You really can taste the “special delivery” difference. Trust me.

I think my Sweet Freedom Saturday posts will grow more infrequent as I continue reveling in the summer sun and enjoy being outside and not being in the kitchen as much as possible, but I’m sure they’ll be a few SF posts between now and September!


Have you made anything yummy from Sweet Freedom this week ? Stay tuned for future Saturday installments of “Sweet Freedom Saturdays”. We’ve also got a Sweet Freedom Flickr Group – come join us! Other Sweet Freedom Saturday deliciousness here in the Fishbowl : Cocao Nibbles, Mrs. K’s Date Cake, Raw Apricot Bars, Tomato Spice Cake, Carrot Snack Cake, Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins, Gingered Apple Muffins, Spiced Pumpkin Millet Pudding.

More Raw Delights (and a recipe!) for Sweet Freedom Saturday

This week’s recipe is a favourite of mine : Cocoa Nibbles! These raw bars rival any over-priced, mass-produced bars you can find in your local supermarket or health food store and are quick and easy to make.

Cocoa Nibbles

I admit to using carob powder in lieu of cocoa powder, just because. The recipe provides some great add-in ideas, keeping this recipe fresh and different depending on your mood (and what you have on hand). This time around I added cinnamon and ground Vanilla Rooibos Tea. Rooibos or Red Tea is just full of anti-oxidants, and I love the vanilla flavour it adds. I often add a teaspoon of rooibos to my smoothies or raw bars…that’s just the kind of girl I am.

I’m not the best bar-shaper, mostly because I don’t really care about their visual aesthetic. I just want them to be delicious. After I roll them out into a log-shape and chill, I cut them up, and set them on a piece of foil. You can use the foil to push them into a square or bar shape, and your fingers stay clean!


You don’t have to individually wrap these, but I like to have them as on-the-go snacks. Don’t they look so “Lost In Space”esque?

Ready for the best part? You can make these, even if you don’t have Sweet Freedom yet! Visit Diet, Dessert and Dogs for the Cocoa Nibbles recipe!


Have you made anything yummy from Sweet Freedom this week ? Stay tuned next Saturday for another installment of “Sweet Freedom Saturdays”. We’ve also got a brand new Sweet Freedom Flickr Group – come join us! Other Sweet Freedom Saturday deliciousness here in the Fishbowl : Mrs. K’s Date Cake, Raw Apricot Bars, Tomato Spice Cake, Carrot Snack Cake, Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins, Gingered Apple Muffins, Spiced Pumpkin Millet Pudding.

Mrs. K, Monsieur Fish Loves You! Sweet Freedom Saturday


You still have time to get in on the big Sweet Freedom giveaway! Just leave a comment here before midnight Paris time for your chance! The two lucky winners will be announced on Wednesday, July 1st, in honor of Canada Day.

Mrs.K's Date Cake (Vegan)

This is Mrs. K’s Date Cake. Monsieur Fish also announced to me that this is his favourite thing ever that I’ve ever made. Ever. Monsieur F is a gourmand, and while he often says he just love this or that, this is indeed the first time I’ve ever seen him so passionate about a dessert.

So passionate in fact that when I left the kitchen for a moment…

missing cake

There were four more pieces missing! I had to hide the cake! So silly, I know. I’d much rather see him go crazy with this cake, however, than many of the less “healthy” versions out there.

This is indeed a decadent little snack cake, but it’s 100% natural and delicious.

Have you made anything yummy from Sweet Freedom this week ? Stay tuned next Saturday for another installment of “Sweet Freedom Saturdays”. We’ve also got a brand new Sweet Freedom Flickr Group – come join us! Other Sweet Freedom Saturday Deliciousness here in the Fishbowl : Raw Apricot Bars, Tomato Spice Cake, Carrot Snack Cake, Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins, Gingered Apple Muffins, Spiced Pumpkin Millet Pudding.

How do you celebrate freedom? With a giveaway, of course! Sweet Freedom Saturday

Thank you for the wonderful response! Congratulations to our winners, found here.

Happy Saturday everyone! I just love Saturday, and what can make your Saturday even sweeter? How about some Raw Apricot Bars?

Raw Apricot Bars

These delicious raw bars will satisfy your sweet tooth in an oh-so-healthy and delicious way. They are a real snap to prepare which I just love, and you can even frost them if you want to with the Coconut Date Frosting recipe – also raw of course! I opted to just give them a light sprinkling of shredded coconut this time around.

I wish I could say they were a big hit with Guppy, but, alas, they were not. She is such a funny bunny; she just loves raw and dried fruits, but she just can’t get her raw treats groove on. Monsieur Fish is the same way – salé raw cuisine is no problémo, but when it’s sucré, he just wrinkles his nose. Whateveah. That means more raw goodness for me! These would be an excellent mid-morning or mid-afternoon sweet snacky treat – portable and easy to stash in your gym bag or purse. Who needs to purchase over-priced raw bars? These are even tastier!

Now, didn’t I say something about a giveaway?


It’s nearly July, and that means three of my favourite freedom-related holidays : July 1st is Canada Day, July 4th is Independence Day, and July 14th is Bastille Day here in France. Wee! While I could debate the idea of freedom, and it’s obvious subjectivity – I won’t. At least not today. Today I’m here to share Sweet Freedom with you! Author Ricki Heller, who blogs at Diet, Dessert and Dogs, has graciously donated two copies of Sweet Freedom, a hard-copy and a PDF, for me to give to YOU!

We’re entering into the “heat” of BBQ season, and you’ll be the hero of the picnic when you arrive with treats that everyone can enjoy!

There are three ways to enter :

  • Just leave a comment below to be entered. You can improve your chances of winning by doing one (or both) of the following :
  • You can Tweet about the giveaway, linking back to this post. This will score you an additional 3 entries. (Visit Tiny URL if you need to condense.) Just don’t forget to comment with a link to your Tweet so it can be counted!
  • Blog about the giveaway, linking back here. 3 more entries are yours! Just don’t forget to comment with a link to your blogpost so it can be counted!

The drawing will be closed next Saturday, and the winners will be announced on Wednesday, July 1st, to celebrate Canada Day in style! Bonne chance à tous!

Have you made anything yummy from Sweet Freedom this week ? Stay tuned next Saturday for another installment of “Sweet Freedom Saturdays”. We’ve also got a brand new Sweet Freedom Flickr Group – come join us! Other Sweet Freedom Saturday Deliciousness here in the Fishbowl : Tomato Spice Cake, Carrot Snack Cake, Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins, Gingered Apple Muffins, Spiced Pumpkin Millet Pudding.


Sweet Freedom Saturday : Tomato Spice Cake


I’m so excited to have my real, live, tangible copy of Sweet Freedom! I’d been working from the PDF, which is great, but it’s nothing like being able to flip through the pages of a real book!

This week’s installment of SFS features the Tomato Spice Cake, which is just lovely!

Tomato Spice Cake (Vegan)

Ricki shares that this cake is a fresh spin on one of her Mother’s classic cakes. I remember when I was little the “tomato soup” cakes being rather popular at bake sales and socials. I also remember asking one of the women at the school tea why there was tomato soup in her cake, why didn’t she just use tomatoes? She told me I was impertinent. Hump.

I made this for Guppy’s Fun Friday after school quatre heures. She made me giggle because when she saw the finished cake sitting on the platter, just waiting for her to come home from school, she looked at me and said, “Mumma, you forgot the frosting!”. My oh my, I supposed I did. We’re not big frosting people here, but I did decide to just whip up a quickie-glaze for her. I must admit, it was yummy.

Quickie Vanilla Glaze (for Tomato Spice Cake)

Powdered Sugar (I didn’t measure this, I just poured some into a bowl, maybe a half a cup?

Apple Juice – A few tablespoons

VanillaExtract – 1.5 teaspoons

I just whisked it together with a fork and spread it over the cake. Guppy approved.

I think this would be a perfect cake for a brunch or for tea in the afternoon. It has a lovely spice cake flavour and a dense crumb making it perfect for dunking. I might even add chocolate chips next time I make this, you know, just to see how it would taste. We loved it (hence the lack of photos, when it goes fast, it’s more difficult to photograph!). I have so many recipes marked in Sweet Freedom, it’s not easy to chose which one will be next!

Have you made anything yummy from Sweet Freedom this week ? Stay tuned next Saturday for another installment of “Sweet Freedom Saturdays”. We’ve also got a brand new Sweet Freedom Flickr Group – come join us! Other Sweet Freedom Saturday Deliciousness here in the Fishbowl : Carrot Snack Cake, Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins, Spiced Pumpkin Millet Pudding.

Sweet Freedom Saturday : Carrot Snack Cake & A Big Weekend!

Before I get into the Sweet Freedom Goodness, I would like to say thank you to more groovy 60-Day Project participants! Mille Mercis to Bianca of Vegan Crunk, Krys of Two Vegan Boys, Bex of How To Feed A Vegan and Basht of And So She Fell To Earth for the thoughtful gifts you sent to Mamafish! We’ve about reached the end of the project, and I can’t thank you participants enough. There may be one or two gifts still floating around out there, and if I forgot someone, please email me so that I may properly flog myself. I am frantically working on goodies for everyone, so please be patient – I haven’t forgotten you, just trying to get everything made.

Now for the real reason you’re here : Carrot Snack Cake! I like to try to make Guppy’s quatre heures (afternoon snack) on Friday a little special. In part to highlight the weekend, and also because Friday is the day I actually have time to make her an after-school treat!

Carrot Snack Cake (Vegan)

Knowing that there will be birthday cake (or fruit tart, not sure yet) for Monsieur Fish this evening (Joyeux Anniversaire Mon Amour), and goodies for La Fête des Mères (Mother’s Day) on Sunday, I wanted to keep it reasonable, yet delicious. Reasonably delicious? How about Deliciously reasonable.

I wish I could say I was reasonable, but I wasn’t, and I think I ate an unreasonable amount of this delicious snack cake. I’m also thrilled to report that Guppy loved it. Sadly, my daughter seems to shun any dessert or snack-food that is remotely healthy. This child will not eat raw desserts or cookies because she says they taste blek, which is confusing because she lives on raw fruit…anyway, she gobbled down two slices almost as fast as I did.

Carrot Snack Cake (Vegan)

Have you made anything yummy from Sweet Freedom this week ? Celine’s got a great review of Sweet Freedom up on her blog if you’d like to check it out. and Diann has some Maple Walnut Cookies to make your mouth water. Stay tuned next Saturday for another installment of “Sweet Freedom Saturdays”.

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins : Sweet Freedom Saturdays

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins (Vegan)

My oh my…these are mighty amazing. In fact, these were the best Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins I’ve ever had, or made, ever. For reals. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that they were probably the healthiest, too.

I brought some to work yesterday morning to share with my colleagues, and they disappeared in less than 5 minutes. If you’re looking for some delicious and healthy vegan propaganda to share with your entourage (that doesn’t taste like health food), these muffins are for you!

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins (Vegan)

Have you made anything yummy from Sweet Freedom this week ? Go check out Diann’s Figaros – they are at the top of my list for things to make next! Stay tuned next Saturday for another installment of “Sweet Freedom Saturdays”. We’ve also got a brand new Sweet Freedom Flickr Group – come join us!

Spiced Pumpkin Millet Pudding : Sweet Freedom Saturdays

I have a love/hate relationship with breakfast. Breakfast foods are some of my very favourites – tofu scrambles, hasbrowns, pancakes…you get the idea. The problem is, I don’t really like eating breakfast when I get up. I’m not hungry, and I often need to get out the door for a run (well, that’s happening again, baby steps…) and when I get back I often don’t have time to prepare anything more complicated than fruit or cereal or a smoothie. I’m a mid-morning breakfast girl, or better yet a weekend brunch chica…give me yummy A.M. foods when I have both the time to make them and properly enjoy them.

Spiced Pumpkin Millet

Ok, it’s not a sexy picture…but sometimes life is more about fuzzy pajama pants and sweatshirts than bustiers, ok?

This creamy and delicious Spiced Pumpkin Millet Pudding is actually in the “Pudding” section of Sweet Freedom (hence the name), but as the recipe points out,

This pudding is rich and creamy enough to serve as a dessert, but nutritious enough to eat for breakfast as a cooked cereal.

Taking Ricki’s suggestion to heart, I thought Saturday morning breakfast would be both leisurely and delicious. Was it ever!

This was like eating pumpkin pie – I mean it. The taste replicated to a “T” the Pumpkin Pies I loved as a kid, but was nutritionally superior. I sometimes make plain Millet and add a little cinnamon for breakfast, but this blew my humble little peasant porridge out of the water. I actually subbed a sweet potato for the pumpkin (I need to wait for the Autumn to make a new batch of pumpkin purée – my stocks have been eaten), but with the addition of just the right spices, I’d have sworn it was pumpkin had I not made it myself. I also skipped the sweetener, because my sweet potato was so very sweet I didn’t need it. I did add raisins, and I tossed in some sesame seeds for a little calcium boost. I enjoyed my bowl with a splash of pain soy milk- yummy.

What I loved the most about this dish was that it tasted like a luscious, decadant week-end brekkie, but was full of delicious, healthy goodness.

Have you made anything yummy from Sweet Freedom this week ? Let me know! I’ll add a link to your post here. And stay tuned next Saturday for another installment of “Sweet Freedom Saturdays”.

And happy birthday Cheryl!

W.I.P. Wednesday : One for you, and one for me…


When we celebrated Guppy’s birthday earlier this month, we also celebrated the birthday of a very dear friend known around these parts as Tata Katy. They had a joint birthday party, and agreed on the dino theme because you’re never too old for dinos, right?

I was so busy with finishing up Katy’s gift (literally 5 minutes before we left for the party) I failed to take a picture, which was frustrating. Thankfully Katy was cool with taking a picture for me once she got home :


She wrote her own caption for the photo, above.

This is just a brown cotton/linen blend tote bag with an embroidered accent. I just measured the size I thought she’d like and trimmed the corners on the bottom. Easy peasy. However, as often happens when you make something you find adorable for someone, you find yourself wishing for one, too.

Brown tote with embroidery

Wrinkled, because I’ve been using it all week!

Embroidery detail

Isn’t she sweet?

Lining Detail

Lovely floral lining from my stash. I found it vaguely Japanese.

I have to be honest, I’ve been loving up my new tote all week. It’s perfect for lugging lessons to and from work in style. I wish I had more of that chocolate coloured fabric, but it was just some left-over curtains in my stash…and it’s nearly gone now.

The embroidery pattern is a Sublime Stitching freebie that I found via Florista’s flickr stream…the morning of the birthday party! But like Florista, I just had to stitch it right away it’s so sweet. I have a feeling I’ll be using this embroidery pattern again…

I’ve got a 60-Day Project update coming soon, and don’t forget about Sweet Freedom Saturdays! You make anything you’d like from Sweet Freedom and then post it – couldn’t be easier!

What have you been up to W.I.P.-wise? Whatever your works-in-progress may be, have a crafty week, and don’t forget to see what the other Wipsters are up to, and to check out our W.I.P. Wednesday Flickr Pool, too.

How muffins can save your marriage! Sweet Freedom Saturdays! (I know, it’s Tuesday…)

Anyone out there who has ever been in a relationship that lasted longer than 6 months knows that making them work can be a heap of work. The vast majority of my romantic entanglements had a shelf life rivaling a carton of soy milk – I lived for the thrill of the chase, basked in those magical first few weeks (or days, ahem) but when the cute little things started to lose their luster, I was usually off like a prom dress. So to speak.

What does this have to do with muffins you ask? A fair question. Because I was faster than Speedy Gonzales when it came to ending relationships, I also got to skip out on things like compromise and taking one for the team and shrugging off the really annoying things that seem to rear their ugly heads around the 13-month mark.

Like sleeping in on the weekend. One of Monsieur Fish’s favourite things ever.

I’m all for sleeping in, but I’m talking sleeping for hours longer then Guppy and I, both of us ready to get out and have some fun.

I try to be cool with it, but sometimes it just gets in the way of our day, or perhaps I should say my day…

Gingered Apple Muffins

Gingered Apple Muffins, sorta.

Rather than fight the currents of marital strife, I opted for the more tranquil waters one finds when going with the flow. Thanks to the muffins. These dense and delicious muffins are as delicious as they are good for you. They’re from Sweet Freedom which is full of healthier ways to eat the treats you love. I’m the only ginger fan chez nous so I swapped the candied ginger for diced dehydrated banana bits – and wow! The tender apple bits married just splendidly with the banana.

Mere moments before taking these delicious muffins out of the oven, a groggy Monsieur Fish fumbled into the kitchen declaring, “Ca sent trop bon ici. C’est quoi?”* and there he was, up before 10 a.m., eating muffins and drinking coffee. I was happy because we were together around the breakfast table (rather than finding myself fuming and looking at the clock) and he was happy because he got to eat these delicious apples à volonté. I admit it may be a light exaggeration to say that muffins can save your marriage, but they certainly can make it taste better!

So here’s the deal – I was a recipe tester for Sweet Freedom, but now that I have my copy I am biting at the bit to try all the recipes I didn’t get to test! I’m thinking of running a little series of “Sweet Freedom Saturdays” where I’ll try a new recipe from the book. Anyone want to join me?

*It smells too yummy in here, what is it?