Vegan Meal Plan Monday – Potato Madness

Thanks for all your great meal plan suggestions last week.  I’ve passed them along to my sister, and I’m sure that other readers were thankful, too!

I’m not sure why, but I almost never, ever make mashed potatoes.  I guess we don’t really do a lot of startches other than pasta, but this week is indeed an exception as Guppy has been practically begging for them of late.

My child really does beg for vegetables.  In public.  Sunday as we were slowly walking through the outdoor market she suddenly pulled me over to a stand of fresh broccoli and looked up at me, pleading, “Oh please Mumma please can’t we get some broccoli? Pleeeeeze?” The vendor was giggling all over himself as I purchased the coveted greens which Guppy carried around the market like a bouquet.

Since we’ll be making mashed potatoes you can bet your boots I’ll be making a lot of them, because mashed potatoes means potato bread, and also the Samosa Quesdadillas  that  Trina posted not too long ago.  Potato madness kids, watch out – it’s catching!

Monday : Chickpea patties with steamed broccoli and mashed potatoes, and for dessert left-over rhubarb crisp.

Tuesday : Your Vegan Mom’s Samosa Quesadilla and for dessert, Vegan Rhubarb Cake based on one of my Great Grandmother Mary’s recipes. If it works out I promise I’ll share.  I’m so excited about the rhubarb!

Wednesday : Pups in a blanket inspired by Vegan Lunch Box, with saucisses by Celine. I’ll also be making cupcakes, but I still haven’t decided which ones.  Aparna and I were Tweeting the other day and decided to make cupcakes together. But apart. You know, since she’s in India and I’m in France and all. I need some inspiration…any suggestions? They will be for Guppy and friends (and me, duh).

Thursday : Hummous & Friends In A Bowl. This Celine and Joni test recipe was on the plan last week, but I didn’t get to make it.

PB&J Muffins, so amazing good, test recipe for Celine & Joni.

Friday : Eggplant Parmigiana, another test recipe, and Potato Rosemary Bread from The Bread Baker’s Apprentice. This is another one of those wonderful breads made accessible by master baker Peter Reinhart.

Looking for more Vegan Meal Plan inspiration? Go visit Your Vegan Mom and for GF vegan goodness visit In My Box. Please share you links if you post a Vegan Meal Plan so I can add you, too!

12 thoughts on “Vegan Meal Plan Monday – Potato Madness

  1. Pingback: Vegan Meal Plan Monday & Cupcake Wednesday « Musings From The Fishbowl

  2. I used to make meal plans all the time and now I’m just lazy! Must start doing that again.

    I love mashed potato. I love potatoes in any conceivable way though.

  3. How awesome is it that your kid craves veggies! My kids had better…since that’s all they’ll be getting. (Tough love.)

    Love the meal plan! I’m so excited to see some of the recipes!

  4. Haha, I hope one day when I have kids, they beg for broccoli too. 🙂
    I have some mashed potatoes in the fridge. I never make them but my mom did on Sunday and sent us home with the leftovers. Maybe I’ll make some samosa quesadillas. Thanks for this suggestion! 😀

  5. oh yes, yes, YES! bring on the potato madness! muah ahahahhhaa! dan loooooves potatoes and he’s got me hooked now, too. i never gave them much thought, but a few weeks ago i promised him we’d incorporate more into our meals and now i think i crave potatoes in some form or another every day! potato bread sounds awesome & smashed potatoes are the absolute best! the tester PB&J muffins look sooooo gooood, and i’m totally going to check out In My Box. thanks so much, Shelly!

  6. Great meal plan! I’m making eggplant parmigiana tonight, actually! And get on mashing those potatoes–they’re so so good!

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