Pasta & Beanballs, or, Why the heck hadn’t I made these before?!?

Pasta & beanballs

I’ve had Veganomicon for well over a year and this is just the first time I’ve made the “Beanballs”. I feel like we have a great deal of catching up to do.

Maybe it’s because of their name, “Beanballs”, rather unappetizing, really. That being said, I haven’t really got a brilliant suggestion for an alternate title : Beanie Boulettes is the best I could do. It’s amazing how much sexier things sound in other languages, don’t you think?


This was vegan fast-food at it’s finest : the beanballs were super simple and quick to make, mostly because I nearly always have homemade frozen sauce in the freezer. I also had some frozen (cooked) garbanzos, so I used those, but I’m pretty sure any bean would be lovely. Dinner was on in no time and I heard nothing but “miam“s, and “c’est trop bon“s from the Fish Family so I was nothing but smiles. Ok. Tomato sauce-smudged smiles.