Sweet Freedom Saturday : Carrot Snack Cake & A Big Weekend!

Before I get into the Sweet Freedom Goodness, I would like to say thank you to more groovy 60-Day Project participants! Mille Mercis to Bianca of Vegan Crunk, Krys of Two Vegan Boys, Bex of How To Feed A Vegan and Basht of And So She Fell To Earth for the thoughtful gifts you sent to Mamafish! We’ve about reached the end of the project, and I can’t thank you participants enough. There may be one or two gifts still floating around out there, and if I forgot someone, please email me so that I may properly flog myself. I am frantically working on goodies for everyone, so please be patient – I haven’t forgotten you, just trying to get everything made.

Now for the real reason you’re here : Carrot Snack Cake! I like to try to make Guppy’s quatre heures (afternoon snack) on Friday a little special. In part to highlight the weekend, and also because Friday is the day I actually have time to make her an after-school treat!

Carrot Snack Cake (Vegan)

Knowing that there will be birthday cake (or fruit tart, not sure yet) for Monsieur Fish this evening (Joyeux Anniversaire Mon Amour), and goodies for La Fête des Mères (Mother’s Day) on Sunday, I wanted to keep it reasonable, yet delicious. Reasonably delicious? How about Deliciously reasonable.

I wish I could say I was reasonable, but I wasn’t, and I think I ate an unreasonable amount of this delicious snack cake. I’m also thrilled to report that Guppy loved it. Sadly, my daughter seems to shun any dessert or snack-food that is remotely healthy. This child will not eat raw desserts or cookies because she says they taste blek, which is confusing because she lives on raw fruit…anyway, she gobbled down two slices almost as fast as I did.

Carrot Snack Cake (Vegan)

Have you made anything yummy from Sweet Freedom this week ? Celine’s got a great review of Sweet Freedom up on her blog if you’d like to check it out. and Diann has some Maple Walnut Cookies to make your mouth water. Stay tuned next Saturday for another installment of “Sweet Freedom Saturdays”.