Rosemary Potato Bread or Potato Rosemary Bread or Really Delicious Bread

I often have a difficult time following directions.

There, I said it.

The official BBA (Bread Baker’s Apprentice) group is to work through Reinhart’s bread bible in order. Whatever.

First off, I’m not an official member. And Secondly, “I’d prefer not to.”*

Potato Rosemary Bread (Vegan)

I grew up just loving my mum’s potato rolls. I have the most vivid memories of coming home from school when perhaps 8 or 9 years old, and being greeted by the heavenly aroma of fresh potato rolls just out of the oven. My mother didn’t really bake all that much; she’s a great cook, and when she did bake it was always delicious, but I don’t have memories of her baking up a storm. That’s probably why when she did make bread or homemade rolls it was indeed a memorable treat.

Potato Rosemary Bread (Vegan)

My family eat mashed potatoes very often, but when planning dinner recently it occurred to me that I really wanted to give the Potato Rosemary Bread in BBA a try. As with most of the breads in BBA, this one is naturally vegan (and the non-vegan versions have been a “piece of brioche” to veganize).

This was also my first time baking using a biga, or pre-ferment starter. Didn’t I feel all pioneer womanesque? Oh, yes I did.

The bread was just a delight to make, and baked up just beautifully. It had a lovely, buttery taste and was disappearing so fast I decided to freeze the second loaf (which froze very well, and has also since disappeared). I’ll be submitting these lovely loaves to Susan’s Yeast Spotting, your weekly dose of beautiful breads and more.

I know many of you, my sweet and lovely readers, are Gluten-Free or try to bake GF as often as possible. I’m sorry I’m not much help, but I’d love to refer you to Natalie’s blog, Gluten A Go Go. She’s been running a series baking recipes from the Culinary Institute of America’s Baking & Pastry book Gluten-Free and the results have been extraordinary.

*While not a real fan of Melville (to the gasps and horror of the director of the English department at the University I taught at here in France) “Bartleby the Scriviner : A Story of Wall Street” is one of my preferred short stories.

29 thoughts on “Rosemary Potato Bread or Potato Rosemary Bread or Really Delicious Bread

  1. Who needs to go buy Frédéric Cassel’s baguette when you bake such gorgeous, and no doubt delicious, bread? 🙂
    I think this one just put BBA on my list of books to buy.

  2. I’m also having troubles following directions but hey, I’m also a big fan of Bartleby.

    You should also try ‘Bartleby & co.’ from Enrique Vila-Matas

  3. Hi Shell, as I said in the post, the recipe is from Peter Reinhart’s “The Bread Baker’s Apprentice” – it’s a great book if you’re into baking bread! I highly recommend it.

  4. mmm…. potatoes and rosemary are pretty much two of my favorite things.. there are few things that would top such a combo…especially in bread form… straight out of the oven… maybe an actual trip to France to see Shellyfish… but I mean if you could just teleport that bread here it’d really be a hard decision! 🙂

    hehee… Just kidding– I mean so long as you’re teleporting me bread you should probably come too!

  5. I’ve had this bread on my list for too long! I can imagine that potatoes and rosemary are great together. And who doesn’t like potato bread?

  6. Yum! Beautiful. I think I’ve made my own bread like sad is that? Surely a life worth living must include making bread more than that! I’ll get working on that…

  7. i have a hard time following direction too, Shelly – it’s all good! we loooove breads with the pre-fermented starters & your potato rosemary bread looks divine! it’s just perfect, fo ‘sho! that’s great that it froze well – always an added bonus! since starting ACT i feel as though i may actually be really sensitive to gluten – so i’m totally gonna have to check out gluten a go go – thanks, Shelly!

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