Vegan Meal Plan

Gloriously on vacation this week, which means a little more time for dinner preparation.  More importantly it means spending some quality time with Guppy who will be 5 years old on Sunday, May 2nd. Wow.

Guppy, a week before her 5th birthday. Time flies when you’re eating salad.

It also means a week filled with test recipes for Celine & Joni (marked with an *). Our big move is coming up at the end of June so I’m trying to test as much as I can before things get more hectic. Well, they always seem hectic, but you know what I mean!

One of our favourite new test recipes for saucisses.

Monday : Stew-Tatouille*, homemade Poolish Baguettes from Bread Baker’s Apprentice.

Tuesday : Breakfast will be Crème brulée baked oatmeal*.  I’m looking forward to this recipe because I’ve never made baked oatmeal before, and the idea always seems to intrigue me. Dinner will be Pesto Pea-Damame Soup* with Chickpea Patties from Vcon and hopefully left-over baguette.

Wednesday : Cornbread-Stuffed Peppers*, green salad.

Thursday : Left-overs (I hope).

Friday : Homemade mini-pizzas for Guppy and a few friends who’ll be sleeping over. Birthday cake or cupcakes, too, but not sure which yet.

Saturday : Breakfast burritos* for Monsieur Fish and I,  probably muffins and/or pancakes for the kids – need to confirm opinion of the almost-birthday girl.

Sunday : Birthday picnic for Guppy. Not her official birthday party, more a get-together with our friends to celebrate the day. Menu TBA.

For everyone asking about the Patatas Bravas Gratin slated for last week…it didn’t happen as I was out of a key ingredient. Hoping to add to next week’s list, though.  Also hoping to get one or two of the recipes up from last week.

Bon appétit everyone!

14 thoughts on “Vegan Meal Plan

  1. Pingback: Low calorie vegan meal suggestions please.? – Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers

  2. Pingback: Vegan Meal Plan Monday – Potato Madness « Musings From The Fishbowl

  3. Happy (VERY) belated birthday to Guppy! That photo is priceless :). Your meal plan sounds great–and can’t wait to read all about the birthday party (though you may have already posted it–I’m so behind in blog reading!).

  4. I love the vegan menu plan – I’m tempted to do something similar – an easy way to answer “what does a vegan family eat?” Anyway, how did you like the baked oatmeal? I made it last weekend and it’s definitely going into heavy rotation for weekend meals. The saucisses are one of my 3 year old’s favorite foods right now. Have you tried the Carbonara?

    • Hi Monkia! That’s what I’m publishing it. So often non-vegan folks wonder “how we do it”, thinking we’re missing out on something, and this shows that no, we’ve got it all! Those saucisses are a hit with everyone! Magical.

  5. Amanda – that almond joy baked oatmeal sounds rather delicious. Dessert dressed in breakfast clothing…I love it!

    Lisa & Jessy – thanks for the birthday greetings!

    JoLynn – Making the soup today. Amy’s raving review got me.

  6. tell Ms. Guppy happybirthdayface for me, Shelly! i can’t believe she’s going to be 5. wow, time really does fly on by! i’m drooling over your meal plan for the week. hooray for vacation & getting to test some more yummies for Joni & Celine. i bet everything’s going to be super stellar, especially the baked oatmeal (i’ve never had baked oatmeal either) and breakfast burritos. mmmmmmmm!

  7. Happy early birthday, Guppy! I miss you, sweetheart!

    Shelly, that sounds like a terrific plan! I’m in a testing mood, too, and I could indulge it now that I’ve picked up some key ingredients from the food co-op, but… I’m all alone all week long, and can’t possibly eat that much! Also, funnily, I’d feel bad for my gentleman friend missing out on the yummies (yes, the one who’s just bought a plane ticket to go to France without me… so yeah, I guess I don’t need to feel all that bad after all!). Oh well, I’m testing as much as I can eat anyways, and will make repeats of my fave for my gentleman friend to try.

    Have a wonderful week, and enjoy your well-deserved vacation!

    • Kimianak = Oh no! He’s coming without you? Not fair! We could have done some testing together. You’ll have to come once we’re in the new place… Ile-de-France is so been there, done that. And Guppy says “reviens vite!”

  8. That is the sweetest picture of Guppy! Have a wonderful time with her this coming weekend..what fun! And please do share how you like that oatmeal..sounds delicious. I made an “almond joy” oatmeal with chocolate chips and coconut two weekends ago..OMG..the things you can do with it. I also love your meal plans. So much fun to see what you have planned.

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