And….We’re Back!

After wrapping up my long & lovely vacation in the U – S – of – A I am now back chez moi with my adorable Mr. Fish and am trying to sort through weeks of mail, suitcases, and adjust to the Guppy’s maladjustment to the time difference between France & North America! It was amazing to see my family who I just don’t get to hang with all that often, but I am SO excited to be home! It was so wonderful to see the Guppy bond with my family, and despite maintaining my 40-mile-a-week running average, I still managed to pack on nearly 2kg which I believe are primarily composed of pinto beans, green chilés and blue corn chips (all North American indulgences I just can’t easily find here!). Once I get my poop in a group I’ll have more food & fun to share…but for now here’s a little peek at what became my family’s favourite sweet treat.

Maybe you were abducted by aliens, or perhaps, simply suffering from what is referred to as “missing time”, but if you missed Melisser’s Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler with lovely video over at Julie Hasson’s Everyday Dish, well…get on over there kids! This cobbler was one of the best I’ve ever had, and I loved that it was more fruit-heavy than batter-heavy. Since I was sans cookie-cutters, but wanted to do something fun with the biscuits, I went with the Flying Saucer theme, because I’m a nerd…

One very fun thing about being on vacation near health food supermarket type stores meant I got to indulge in some vegan ice cream! The only vegan ice cream I ever eat is usually what I make myself (in that artisans non-ice cream maker way), but being on vacation I opted for the easy way out with some Soy Delicious vanilla, which complemented our U.F.Os :

I know I’ll make this for Mr. Fish once I shake off the jet-lag because I’m such a sweetie. It has nothing to do my wanting some. Of course.

23 thoughts on “And….We’re Back!

  1. Glad you enjoyed your visit with your family. Now that you are back in France, how am I supposed to teach you to knit?! Oh, and the photo of the cobbler with ice cream is too cool!

  2. My jaw just hit the floor. Those are gorgeous! GORGEOUS! I’m currently starting back at season 1 and working my way through the X-Files so I must say I love the flying saucer theme! I think you have just inspired my next dessert!

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