‘Vegan with a Vengeance’

Edited to add : I have no idea why this post is suddenly generating comments. It’s from December, 2007. Thanks for stopping by, though.

Hurrah!! I just tore off the cardboard envelope from my spanking-new copy of Isa Chandra Moskowitz’s ever-so-fab cookbook Vegan with a Vengeance and I am just far too excited about it (hence the sharing). After reading tons of testimonials written by gushing fans (which sometimes sounded a little creepy) I knew I had to see for myself if this book of Over 150 Delicious Cheap Animal-Free Recipes was really as exceptional as the hype purported.

Now, seeing as I have only just had the time to peruse the recipes and totally dig on the punk attitude-infused prose (feeling rather relieved that I’m not the only post-punk child feeling like the oldest kid in the skate shoppe to buy a holiday gift for Mr. Fish…) I cannot attest to the cookability of these delectable-sounding recipes, but I am very excited about trying them out. Going through the different recipe propositions also made me feel just a wee bit testy knowing how finding good quality cheap tofu in this little French provincial town is an oft frustrating venture. There is, much to my delight, a new-fangled organic supermarket which calls itself a co-op which has recently opened up, but it’s a bit away and not always easy to get to with The Guppy on the bike with these completely bizarre sub-zero temps.

I’m not sure what I’ll try first from Moskowitz’s book, but I want to rave about last night’s dinner which was just too yum- Christina Pirello’s Winter Veggie & Bean Stew found in her very comprehensive Cooking the Whole Foods Way. I cheated a bit on the ingredients (which I nearly always totally compulsively do) as I didn’t have any kidney beans on hand *at all* (gasp), but did have some dried green soybeans & dried asukis which after accidentally over-boiling them came out looking & tasting like pinto beans (which I so so so miss- I can’t find them here…please, spend pintos…). I must say, the beans worked way too well, and I used double the suggested amount. I also opted-out on the ginger juice because I had none made and really no time to spare. It was just too delish to believe, vaguely reminding me of a sort of baked-bean dish with yummy root veggies. Do try this dish, very warming with all this frightful weather out there.

3 thoughts on “‘Vegan with a Vengeance’

  1. For some reason, this post JUST appeared in my Google Reader–and I’m guessing, other people’s as well. May explain the sudden surge in comments! 🙂

  2. That is a great cookbook. One of my favorite recipes was the coconut macadamia carrot cake- I made it for an Easter party a year or two ago and everyone loved it. The mango tofu is also killer, and the Isa Pizza is a must try- I don’t even use olives and its awesome.

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