Bookmaking & Birthday Gifts (and an ugly yet delicious cupcake)

I’ve been wanting to blog about my newest favourite creative obsession outlet, but thought it would be better to wait until I had a little more to show you. I wanted to explain the why’s and how’s, give you the soul behind the groove…

But I just can’t wait because it’s so fun!


I am in love with making these notebooks! Don’t you love the unfinished, just raveld enough edges? I think they look so natural. Sometimes I wonder if it’s normal to enjoy sewing into paper so much, because it’s the bee’s knees. I promise a more in-depth post soon, but you know when you’re into something and you just have to share it? This little cupper is actually on its way to a very sweet Birthday Girl. It doesn’t have far to go, but I don’t think it’s going to make it in time. Sigh.

These notebooks have become my birthday gift idea par excellence, and I’m working on a few others right now. I’ve done a pretty good job honoring my Handmade Pledge, and this is a great way for me to send something from the heart and hands. I’ve been using Moleskine (over-priced) and faux-Moleskine (far more reasonable but difficult to find) notebooks, but I’m going to be making my own soon (that’ll be part of the part 2 of this post!).

Rather than typing this post, I should be embroidering this :


It’s going to be for a notebook for my nephew’s birthday. These groovy little carp are from this book :


I bought it last summer when visiting the U.S. I think it’s a great book for embroidery beginners (like me!) because it gives a good explanation of some basic techniques and has some fun project ideas, and though not all of them are really my cup of tea, I’ve enjoyed flipping through the pages for inspiration. I’m excited to use a design from this book for the first time.

I’ll be posting a proper bookmaking W.I.P. soon, promis, juré!

Did you happen to see the whiteout cakes that were taking over the Internet last week? If not you can visit Honey B or Natalia to see how beeeutiful they looked. They got me dreaming of deep, dark chocolate and frosting and since Guppy & I are on vacation, we decided to make some cupcake love…


Clearly not as fancy as it could have been, but very fun to make with Guppy, and even more fun to eat! We just used the chocolate cupcake recipe from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World, but I doubled the cocoa (because I’m punk rock like that) and we made a variation on the fluffy buttercream recipe. Betcha want one, too!

30 thoughts on “Bookmaking & Birthday Gifts (and an ugly yet delicious cupcake)

  1. Pingback: W.I.P. Wednesday : Randoms « Musings From The Fishbowl

  2. Pingback: W.I.P. Wednesday : The finished, the planned and the in-progress… « Musings From The Fishbowl

  3. I really love that cupcake journal cover – how cute! And I can’t believe that you have the Doodle Stitching book – it’s on my Amazon list. I thought the little designs looked adorable.

    And may I just say now that “the bee’s knees” is one of my favorite phrases? It’s right up there with “s/he’s just the cat’s pajamas” and “I smell what you’re stepping in.” Quaint, but very useful.

  4. i DO want one of those cupcakes! unfortunately, i’m still up to my ears in lemon cake. *sigh*

    i love that you’re embroidering notebooks! that’s so cool. and i can’t wait to see how the fishies turn out! that embroidery book totally looks like something i need.

  5. I love embroidery and I’ve got a few things going right now, though most doodle embroidery on art quilts. The carp drawings are so cool, I understand why you want to make them, and the cakes… great work!

  6. That cupcake looks so good – you’ve got me wanting a choccy cake!!! I’m lovin the blue sprinkles too!

    The notebooks look great. I really like the edges as well, they look awesome.

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