Delicious Savory Zucchini Bread (Vegan)

I grew up eating sweet zucchini breads and muffins, but never anything savory coming from the zucchini-infused bread basket. When dear Mihl of Seitan Is My Motor blogged her Savory Zucchini Bread recipe, I couldn’t wait for our heat-wave to break – I just had to try it! Mihl’s got the most delicious recipes on her blog, if you’ve never been you really ought to pay her a visit.

Zucchini Bread (Vegan)

Please don’t blame Mihl’s delicious (and super-easy to follow) recipe for the unsightly nature of this fabulous loaf. If it must be someone’s fault, it’s mine. Well, mine and Mother Nature’s who blessed us with extremely warm temperatures very early in the day.

Thinking I could “beat the heat” I mixed my dough early and let it rise while we prepared for the day. The second rise isn’t very long, and since I only had a few errands to run I thought we’d be safe…well… (if you’ve ever watched the television show I Love Lucy just imagine her saying “well…”) the errands ended up taking longer than planned (bien sûr) and the heat shot up faster than I’d planned, and we returned home to two very over-risen loaves.


But really, who cares? So it’s not as beautiful as I’d hoped (Guppy asked me if I could make it look like an escargot and I said pourquoi pas?). It does look like an escargot, one that had been crushed, perhaps? The important thing is the taste, and it was voted delicious by 3 out of 3 Fish (myself, Guppy and Monsieur). I was going to freeze one of the loaves, but I didn’t even have a chance, Monsieur F. digging into it, topping thick slices with the Raw Ranch Dressing I’d made. That’s ok. Just an excuse to go make more!

I’ll be submitting this lovely loaf to Yeast Spotting, your weekly dose of home-baked goodness over at Wild Yeast (thanks as usual, Susan!).

25 thoughts on “Delicious Savory Zucchini Bread (Vegan)

  1. Sure doesn’t look ugly to me. I’d happily dig in and eat that. I’ve made zucchini breads in the same style as banana breads before but never a yeasted one – it is something I must try and very soon indeed.

  2. Shelly, I decided to comment here because I love zucchini bread, and yours looks fabulous. Plus, I’m a sewing dummy, so even though David Bowie IS getting sexier as he ages, I wanted to tell you how much I love your zucchini bread recipe. I love being able to check your site whenever I need to bake something for my ‘alternative; friends. Everything you create/make/bake, turns out fantastic! You are my gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian et al, inspiration, and a wonderful girl to boot 🙂

  3. Pingback: YeastSpotting August 28, 2009 | Wild Yeast

  4. do not worry about how it looks. It is all about how it taste and I am sure it was awesome. I bought some courgettes just to make this bread from seitan is my motor’s blog.I see you have been having a great summer:)

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